To the Night Rains in Spring

version 2

that spring the rains came back exactly on schedule. they start with nighttime
droplets fine enough to ride the wind, coating everything silently in films of wet shine
while the sky puts a lid on walking unlit roads. might spot a lone pinprick of a boat out there.
wake up to everything gleaming, pinks and puddles, the city decked out ankle-deep in blossoms.

version 1

Worthy Rain that knows its Season, to come forth now in Spring –
Stealing through the wind-tossed night, a delicate Glazer of all things.
The lowering skies hide country Lanes, and all but one lonesome boat Flame –
Dawn greets the eye with a wet red City, a rich Carpet of flowers in Chengdu.





Spring Night with Welcome Rain: a good rain knows the right time to come.